![Needlefresh logo](https://affinitus.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/needlefresh-logo-colour.png)
Needlefresh selects Affinitus. Again.
Executive summary
Longstanding Affinitus customer Needlefresh implements new version of Freshware from Affinitus.
Needlefresh are the UK’s leading grower and supplier of Christmas Trees to the major retail chains.
Christopher Hood, MD of Needlefresh takes up the story “We had been with Affinitus using Freshware since 2004 and were happy customers. However, in 2016/7 I did begin to wonder if, after 13 years, technology had moved on. Were we on the right platform for the future? So, we started to consider a change, eventually selecting a global ERP Software package from Microsoft in 2018 with a UK based partner who had experience of agriculture and fresh produce. We believed that the huge amount of annual investment from a global provider would ensure we had a platform for the future”.
“After two years and several false starts, by early 2020 we were nowhere near to going live on the new software and we hadn’t yet seen a solution that would work for Needlefresh” commented Hood, “and we chose to look for alternatives.”
In the meantime, Affinitus have been investing heavily in development launching the new version (7) just recently.
They have continued to invest in their product which is first-rate... They have an excellent team who understand Needlefresh and our business model.
Christopher Hood — Managing Director
“Fortunately, we kept good relations with Affinitus” commented Hood. “They have continued to invest in their product which is first-rate, and in 2019 acquired Greenfield Software, a software business active in the horticultural industry so now have other tree and plant growers. They have an excellent team who understand Needlefresh and our business model, so the decision to upgrade to their new version was easy, and thankfully we are already happily using Freshware once again ready for Christmas 2020”.